Quite the catch

By Anonymous - 03/05/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, and for over week, one of my nostrils has been stuffed to the point I can't breathe through it. I tried nasal spray and blowing it out, but nothing worked. I wanted to go to the doctor but first, I used a flashlight and a pair of tweezers. The giant, crusted booger bullet I pulled out was as long as my palm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 422
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the one hand: Ew. On the other hand: At least for you, the sense of relief must have been palpable.

The good news? You didn't have to pay for a doctor's office visit.


wrecklesswfire 2

I really didn’t need to know this

On the one hand: Ew. On the other hand: At least for you, the sense of relief must have been palpable.

L0life29 6

I really hate you for reading this

The good news? You didn't have to pay for a doctor's office visit.