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By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Elk River

Today, my boyfriend bought us plane tickets to Mexico for our "Honeymoon". This would be nice if he had proposed and if we'd been dating for longer than 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 267
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to Mexico say no to proposal. Have fun. Then run.

Dro23 10

I say you run, run as fast as you can. That's scary.


This post should fall under the "I am dating a psycho" category. I would say run "run Forrest run" as fast as your legs can carry you! SMH

manda_xD 9

run forest run and dont look back

dave20012 15

There are a lot of conclusions here: I think OP needs to do a follow up on whether she's known him for years then dated or just met. Possible for them to have been friends I married my best friend of 7 years 3 months after dating I asked her to marry me. In the beginning of the dating stage we laughed and joked when we went outta town calling it our honeymoon. But again this woman is my best friend.

CaroAurelia 12

Get out. NOW. Such a rush to commitment is never a good sign.

emi_alejandra 23

Or talk to him and tell him that maybe he's taking things a little too fast.

FrancoMC 5

walk away now! What If you go to mexico and don't come back!?