Red handed

By grandpa porn - 28/08/2017 01:30

Today, while I was walking to the kitchen, I heard someone on the TV moaning. As I made my way down the stairs, I saw my grandfather quickly change the channel and lean forward. I'm 90% sure I caught my grandpa watching porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 736
You deserved it 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for catching him, but God bless him for still being interested at his age, whatever that may be. I hope MY dick still works at that age!

Burle 17

Yup, old people watch ****, surprise surprise. Probably not the only time you'll catch someone watching ****


Burle 17

Yup, old people watch ****, surprise surprise. Probably not the only time you'll catch someone watching ****

Grandma is happy that she has help. Handling Grandpa’s “needs” is probably a hard job!

FYL for catching him, but God bless him for still being interested at his age, whatever that may be. I hope MY dick still works at that age!

At least you still have that 10% plausible deniability.

tolkien897 15

dirty old men is a stereotype

Lobby_Bee 17

Show your grandfather the wonderful world of the internet. Free ****!

kujiens101 24

It sounds like 90% is too low

LT_Silva101 18

Leave him alone and let your grandpa have his fun lol

probably he is the reason you're on this planet. or am I behind on the gender discussions?