Respect the dead

By what the fuck is wrong with her? - 27/07/2022 10:00

Today, my idiot stepdaughter wadded up my dead grandma’s quilt instead of folding it neatly after using it. When I asked how she would feel if I wadded up her dead mom’s blanket, she replied that she wouldn’t care, at all. She then had the audacity to ask me to explain what she did wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 1 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nah this sounds like you were just looking for a reason to yell at her. don't be the step monster

AzraelAngelus 15

I feel like you just hate her and yell and scream at her whenever she does something


AzraelAngelus 15

I feel like you just hate her and yell and scream at her whenever she does something

Nah this sounds like you were just looking for a reason to yell at her. don't be the step monster

xxWTFxx1981 23

You are definitely the a$$hole here. I think you should bond with your stepdaughter.

Treat her with respect and she'll respect you. Asking nicely works better than insisting/demanding. Carry on like this and you'll basically become white noise to her.

Jon Tessler 14

you really need to sit down and have an honest talk with her about why she feels the way she does. this can be a learning lesson for both of you, or you can be an ass, and push her further into the indifferent attitude she is displaying.

YDI. Narcissistic parents are the worst. I hope she goes no contact from you in the future.

My dude. It's a blanket. Calm down. Like, a blanket will not be harmed by being in a ball instead of being folded. Step back and identify what it is that's really bothering you that's not a flipping blanket.

peithecelt 28

did she rip it, or otherwise damage it? if no? then you are whining about nothing.

If this quilt is not meant to be used why isn't it neatly folded and packed away?

Why would people write YDI on this one? The brat was asked to neatly fold up the blanket and she didn't. She's showing no respect for her stepfather or the deceased. And she sounds like a heartless snot too based on her response about her mother.