
By everyoneheard - 28/03/2013 15:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was eating out with a group of friends and my boyfriend. During the meal, I accidentally took a sip from my male friend's glass. My boyfriend pointed and said, "Babe, you took his drink." My friend responded by putting his arm round me and saying, "Whatever, I took her virginity." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 094
You deserved it 18 233

Same thing different taste


Hm. I can see this being a lighthearted joke. If you're already secure in your relationship, it shouldn't be a problem, whether or not it's true. I can imagine my own friends doing this, and see no problem with the joke.

Good move to hang out with that one still, probably should rekindle that fire

dalnathaniel 4

So, are you still together?!

Pascy007 2

everyone takes it so seriously, it was probably a joke and a funny one at that. OP's boyfriend probably laughed and if he didn't; OP, your boyfriend has no sense of humour!

Sykes_1014 0

Close your legs and that would've never happened lol