Revenge is sweet

By Anonymous - 09/06/2015 20:52 - Ireland

Today, my housemate got back at me for asking for her share of a bill by losing her virginity to the guy I like, very loudly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 691
You deserved it 2 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who gives up their virginity out of spite? she's an idiot

You should have asked her if you could split the guy too


lexiieeex3 32

Now she's just a petty bitch.

Virginity for electricity bill. That's new.

it always sucks when friends don't understand the meaning of sharing... fyl OP

What an inconsiderate bitch. That's a real dick move, sorry you had to go through that OP.

She waited that long only to lose it to a stranger, out of spite towards the bill? She has her priorities set, that's for sure.

She wasn't necessarily trying to wait. It could be that she just hadn't previously gone out of her way to try to have casual sex and hadn't happened to find herself in a relationship. I was like that till half way through college. I would never **** someone to get back at someone else though. To the OP, my heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to have a problem roommate and it is just the worst.

She's going to regret it later on. Don't feel bad now. Karma is is Bitch

gintwinsmoore 20

bitches are so slick and vengeful...give all girls/women a bad name sometimes. sooo the lesson here is not to tell your friends who you're crushing on bc for sure she'll try to take him in most cases.

gintwinsmoore 20

too bad she will only have and use SEX as a means of paying her bills...what a ******* ****.

askullnamedbilly 33

Are you sure those two things are related and you're not just making up the connection in your head? Most people would NOT go that far to get back at someone, especially over a bill. Did she actually tell you she only slept with him to hurt your feelings?