Sassy machine

By Shell - 14/02/2023 10:00 - United States - Cleveland

Today, at the vending machine at work, I selected a regular soda but a diet soda came out. It turns out the soda I did select was stuck behind the bottle of diet soda. Is the universe trying to tell me something? FML
I agree, your life sucks 551
You deserved it 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, it just means the vendor ****** up. Presuming, of course, that you can't SEE the bottles in the machine, and only the main selection. If you can clearly see the bottles moving in there, that's on you.

My perception is that sometimes the universe (or God) gives us messages. But they are usually buried in the “noise” and we don’t notice them. If you think the universe is sending you a message, test it against logic and observation… If they agree with your own observations, it may be a message. In any case I think that whatever gets you to notice something that could be important to you is still a good idea no matter what the message seems to be… By the way if you really want to watch your calorie intake for whatever reasons you may have, I do not recommend diet sodas - I think that most are not good for you. Things like water, lightly flavored and unsweetened beverages like Propel or “vitamin waters” or even coffee or tea are probably much more healthy for you.


No, it just means the vendor ****** up. Presuming, of course, that you can't SEE the bottles in the machine, and only the main selection. If you can clearly see the bottles moving in there, that's on you.

My perception is that sometimes the universe (or God) gives us messages. But they are usually buried in the “noise” and we don’t notice them. If you think the universe is sending you a message, test it against logic and observation… If they agree with your own observations, it may be a message. In any case I think that whatever gets you to notice something that could be important to you is still a good idea no matter what the message seems to be… By the way if you really want to watch your calorie intake for whatever reasons you may have, I do not recommend diet sodas - I think that most are not good for you. Things like water, lightly flavored and unsweetened beverages like Propel or “vitamin waters” or even coffee or tea are probably much more healthy for you.