Scene from a movie

By Mel - 06/03/2022 00:01

Today, I'm crying in an Uber because my significant other just broke up with me. I'm crying quietly but there's no way the driver hasn't noticed at this point. I'm OK with him not saying anything, but he also hasn't changed the music. All that's playing is Pink, and not the loud, girl-power songs, but the sad, slow ones about love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 069
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Another person can’t read your mind? I wonder if there is some way to let them know what you’re thinking?

So What, you're still a rockstar, right? ;) But in all seriousness, the truth about love is that it's nasty and salty. Soon you'll be wondering "why did I ever like you?" and saying "to hell wit ya" to that person ;) Ok, actual seriousness (I apologise, I've been pretty much a lifelong pink fan since being a young child so I couldn't resist some references), love can suck, but you gotta pick yourself up and know you're better than them, you can find your happy ending with someone.


Tell him to put on NPR. The news will certainly cheer you up. No, wait...

So What, you're still a rockstar, right? ;) But in all seriousness, the truth about love is that it's nasty and salty. Soon you'll be wondering "why did I ever like you?" and saying "to hell wit ya" to that person ;) Ok, actual seriousness (I apologise, I've been pretty much a lifelong pink fan since being a young child so I couldn't resist some references), love can suck, but you gotta pick yourself up and know you're better than them, you can find your happy ending with someone.

Oh no! Another person can’t read your mind? I wonder if there is some way to let them know what you’re thinking?

This. One can’t ever expect someone else to read minds.