Sexy talk

By dtmfa - 31/10/2009 04:31 - United States

Today, I spent the night with my guy, who I hadn't seen in ages. In the middle of sex, he answered his phone, told me to be quiet, talked to the girl on the other end about how boring his day was, then left the room to finish talking to her. When he came back, he asked if I felt like swallowing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 234
You deserved it 4 970

Same thing different taste

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mrose57 0

You should have said "sure!", then brought him to the brink, stopped, got up, grabbed his phone, threw it in the toilet and walked out.

You should've told him to swallow it himself. (:


Mx_Rider 6

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I doubt this girl is serious either, since she called him 'my guy'

get a better guy seriously. he's not worth it : ( FYL

by the sounds of it, we better hope that you said yes! :p

Ahhh men will be men! Ya got a keeper if your submissive, If not then well I suppose its time to move on...

You mean if you like being a doormat. Speaking as a submissive a submissive wouldn't tolerate that. I'm serious, just because you are submissive it doesn't mean you take other people's bullshit.

i have to agree with goobian... i'm a submissive too, and unless you're into cuckolding, that type of shit isn't cool and if i were a girl and that happened to me, i'd leave him. i guess it depends on what your preferences are though. there are those that are okay with multiple partners, and then those that aren't (like myself). but since the OP posted this, even if they were in that type of relationship, obviously shows that it's not something their okay with. and this is of course assuming that OP and bf are in fact in such a relationship... just my thoughts though :) as for OP... sorry to hear that :( i'd slap him and tell him to **** off. but that's just my passive aggressive side :D

submissive in bed implies that u like getting dominated when ur in bed, not neglected and insulted.

85, I think what they mean here is that they're more of a pushover and let the other partner have their way more. not talking about the bedroom in this case

You should've told him to swallow it himself. (:

bad_days1428 0

do you know how hard that is ! **** him . just swallow

xoconnie 8

i hope you left imediatelyy. what a jerk!