
By Banking boy - 23/07/2023 18:00 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, for the second time, my wife paid money on her bank app to the wrong person. Correct first name, wrong surname. I'm left to sort out the mess. The bank won't help due to her error, and we can't contact the payees. It's OK, only 9 grand lost. She can really concentrate on what she's doing, and it's my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 846
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for you to take control of the bank account. Sounds like she can't handle money and also blames you for her mistakes. She is not meture enough for that responsibility.

it's time to take the app and bill paying from your wife.


Time for you to take control of the bank account. Sounds like she can't handle money and also blames you for her mistakes. She is not meture enough for that responsibility.

it's time to take the app and bill paying from your wife.

What kind of shit bank only fixes transfer errors once? Legally speaking if a bank makes an error and puts money in your account. It's not just yours to spend and that doesn't change if the same person screws up least in the U.S.