Smooth operator

By Nic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I put on some skimpy shorts and bent down to get something on the bottom shelf of the fridge to get my boyfriend's attention. On my way up, I slammed my head on the edge of the fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 948
You deserved it 46 046

Same thing different taste


YDI OP because you and so many other women deem it necessary to put on a show to get a guy's attention. Maybe this will unfold as a positive learning experience for you? When you finally wake up, that is.

wafflez4ever 0

at least you got his attention? :]

hahaha next time don't be so sluttyy. and why do yuh need shorts just to get yurr boyfriends attention?!

that's what you getting for being such a hoe. AND COVER IT UP DARLING, or karma will get you forever

Shover 0

Wow easy to tell who the bitter single guys are. lol Trying to seduce your bf isn't be a ****.

nah, some of us are just disappointed in women who feel the need to show as much of their body as possible. tis funny when theyfail in the process

diabolical 0

ha I bet you sure got his attention that you wanted.