Song sung blue

By Anonymous - 31/07/2012 06:42 - United States - Houston

Today, I was upset over a recent break up. It showed while I was at work, and I made a customer sad just by looking blue. She complained to my manager. I got written up for being so depressed that I got a customer depressed too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 650
You deserved it 3 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This FML depressed me :( why would you bring this depression on the rest of us?! But that does suck, sorry for your luck and break up OP.

flyer55 3

Customers can be so selfish. Hang in there op, the worst part is over


Would you work for Walmart by any change? My friend had a similar story.

7 You are a heartless bastard. Please allow me to dig a grave for your death.

this proves things can always get worse

Turn that frown upside down. :) There are more fishes in the sea.

That made me think of How I Met Your Mother. :)

momolee 4

Did you turn from blue to red after you got written up?

KiddNYC1O 20

That sucks. But when dealing with the public, wear a mask. As someone who suffers grim bipolar, I had to master the art of putting on a different look then I was feeling. It takes practice. But the truth is if someone is out doing their business they don't want to feel everyone's problems.

thatKidzmOm 10

The afternoon off and a warning to leave your personal life at home would've been better. Getting written up seems a little drastic.

Once there was a ugly clam. He was so ugly everyone died. The end.