
By yourmom - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a museum that had exhibits of wax people in the hallways. We were taking pictures of what we thought to be a waxwork old lady. Turns out she was real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 460
You deserved it 9 736

Top comments

At that point you should have gone all Austin Powers on her... yea baby.. make love to the camera.. thats it. You're a tiger...

I can imagine this happening. She hit you with her purse right?


haha thatss prettyy funny. she must have been offended.

pntbttr 0

lol did you realize she was real when she started posing

Why doesn't this comment have like 80 replies????!

missmurderx 8

because everyones asleep:p it's only six here lol(:

Girreth 7

Today, I was at a museum when I see an ugly person taking pictures of me. Guess I'm still hot, even in my 80's. MLIA

let's add a comment then... ugh why won't my posts show well I got one on another fml and 3rd time is the charm right?---well I think that the op has bad eyesight or that the wax museum makes great realistic statues.

Girreth 7

Moderated? I thought you loved me! D:

MrFerret 0

Ur lucky u didn't like start humping her leg and taking pics thinking she was fake. It happened to me once, I inpregnated an entire museum. (Ps this is Chuck Norris, Motha Bitches!)

MrFerret 0

Ur lucky u didn't like start humping her leg and taking pics thinking she was fake. It happened to me once, I impregnated a whole museum of women. (Ps this is Chuck Norris, Motha Bitches!)

MrFerret 0

In Soviet Russia, comment bug F*** U... lol what?

LOL!! This was HILARIOUS!! Made my day. That must've been super awkward, OP.

YDI for looking at wax people. What are you, 5?

Well I'm from Las Vegas and they have a wax museum down on the strip thats pretty well-known and it was really cool. I'm not five :(

Illyssa_fml 4

haha!!! was she standing that still??

sonnet 0

should've shook ur dingydangy at her

rciccone 0

picture of humping her while she moans hahaha

she should have been happy bc some1 took her pic

lol I woulda played it off like I came with my grandma & then pretended to look for her that's funny not FML

At that point you should have gone all Austin Powers on her... yea baby.. make love to the camera.. thats it. You're a tiger...