Stop talking, stop talking now

By Username - 17/07/2011 15:21 - United States

Today, I had to endure a long story about how and why my brother shaves his pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 744
You deserved it 4 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahahahahaha at least you didnt walk in on him doin it


#122 You've been watching too much ****. **** was the thing that started the trend of shaving pubes. No one MUST shave them if they don't want to.

rv0111 3

it's actually more a hygiene issue. and it's way less itchy if you're athletic and sweat there a lot

if the guy is sexually active a big factor could be what his partner likes. most girls don't like it really hairy.

thats disgusting. men expect girls to be ckean but cant do the same? sorry that i dont want my girl goibg down on a forrest

and by u saying that, u prob dont shower either u dirty unhygenic ******

xXemoturtleXx 8

that's a little bit too much, isn't it?

It makes a statement. It says "This is a clean place. You can put your mouth here."

Sorry that nobody was there to shave you from that awkward situation. hehheh

well you learn something new everyday

gTOtheT 7

um to much info.... but at least be glad he didn't SHOW you how he did it

Possum_Gurl 13