
By canessadawn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house waiting to surprise him when he got home from work. I was laying in his bed when he called to tell me we were over. I couldn't leave before he got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 790
You deserved it 2 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry that sounds incredibly awkward

larrena2377 26

My ex convinced me to stay with him. I dealt with it another 2 months and was miserable the entire time. not a good idea.


I think you should leave him a present in the bed. Give the turd a turd.

Amant97 14

Piss all over his bed then casually leave before he goes to his room.

Why couldn't you leave? Did you want to confront him? Or did you accidently tie yourself to the bed?

I am going to assume that when he called the OP he was almost home. By the time they hung up he was already there and she didn't have time to leave.

bad_boyfriend 10

Who breaks up with a girl over the phone. Thats side chick ish

did you handcuff yourself to the bed?

You deserve better if he broke up with you just through a phone call, he'll eventually see how stupid he was for breaking up with you.