Taking the piss

By kafreen - 30/08/2016 19:35 - United States - Tucson

Today, I arrived at work early. I noticed the plants on the side of my classroom could use some water so I went out to do so. On the way, I found a beer can. Not wanting the kids to see it, I picked it up but some spilled on my dress. I quickly noticed a familiar smell. No, not beer. Urine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 692
You deserved it 1 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheEpicKitten 20

How did a beer can in in a classroom to begin with?


TheEpicKitten 20

How did a beer can in in a classroom to begin with?

TheEpicKitten 20
lukcy_basartd 11

The plants are outside, that's where the beer can was. It's not uncommon for teens to wonder onto a school campus after hours, get drunk and leave some evidence behind. This same practice is also noticeable amongst the homeless community. Hopefully you arrived early enough to correct your situation OP!

Here's to hoping you arrived to work so early that it meant you had time to go home and change

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

If you didn't have time to change like the comment before me I hope you do have spray/perfume to use.

FML_HelloItsMe 15

OP,hope your dress clean now.You wanted well for the kids.Karma eill sort that shit out.

Notsosmartical 5

I'm quite sure that we all know what urine smells like..It is a familiar smell.

serindipityish 14

This needs a follow up, where did the can come from? Did you water the plants? What grade are you teaching?

I was expecting you to get caught with a can of beer in your hand whilst on work?