Talk to me baby

By Anonymous - 17/06/2010 22:56 - United States

Today, I learned that dirty talk does NOT get me off. My boyfriend and I were having sex and I said, "I'm going to come" during the beginning of my orgasm. My orgasm immediately stopped right after I said that. I'd managed to turn myself off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 341
You deserved it 15 973

Same thing different taste


I think I'm going to cum, oh no. False alarm as you were

I always say that when I'm going to cum, it helps my bf to hurry up and cum with me. it's awesome :-)

FYBFL for that being your attempt to talk dirty!

perdix 29

You're doomed to deep-throating your bf from now on. It's the only way you can have sex and keep from putting your foot in your mouth.

rubyliu8420 7

seriously if that's talking dirty, I'm the sickest ****** on the planet.

saying you're going to come isn't really talking dirty. and if you talking turned you off then shut up and just let it happen. that does suck though op

Kristen_Nichole 0

Let's pretend for half a second that you were actually talking dirty... Still, how did that turn you off? A nun wouldn't consider that

Your 15 you shouldn't be on here. You should get off the computer and exercise. Looking at your pic youll never be getting a chance to say that to anyone but yourself

guckylynn 19

Wow 81, WTF... she's very pretty and you're a douchebag who would never get laid if girls knew that you talked to people like that. Get over yourself.

skittles222 0

yeah seriously shut up. I hope you're lonely forever just cause of that comment. no girl deserves a jerk as big as you

Really though, 81. XD You don't have to be thin to be pretty.

DavidJ_fml 0