Thanks, lady!

By hopeless cluts - 29/01/2012 07:36 - Canada

Today, as I was crossing the slush covered street to catch the bus, I slipped and fell right in the middle of the road. A woman in a car rolled down her window. She didn't ask if I was okay but just laughed and took a picture of me covered in cold, wet slush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 115
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well that is when you grab a handful of this slush and throw it at her and get it all over the inside of her car. And laugh as you walk away.

farnsworth 3

Take down her license plate number call in a hit and run tell them she took a picture of u after and then drove away mwahaha Or u can throw slush at her...

Or,kill her. It's quite an elegant solution to many of life's problems,if handled correctly.

And that's when she rams her car into a tree which then explodes to kingdom come... You can laugh at her and take picture then

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

This is one way to know some people are just not happy with their life.

Plush4318 1

Pretty sure it's illegal to take a picture of someone without their consent. Should of got the license plate.

If she showed the picture to her friends or family or something to make fun of OP, they'd probably think the lady is a dick, anyway. Karma. What did the lady plan on doing with the picture anyway?

Shaniaaa20 0

It's ok OP brush the slush off your shoulders and go back to bed. Karma came for her. I heard the guy she is in love with and slept with was in love with another girl. She had to comfort him as he cried..

It's what I continuously say, people are getting meaner as time passes by...

I agree, but 'meaner' is an under statement. Assholes would be more accurate...

Yep, no one cares anymore. It's all about me myself and I. What good for me. Not even a thought goes through their head of how they might affect someone else. It takes more than one person to be kind. It's called the kindness boomerang. One person being nice to another influences them to be nice to the next person who they come in contact with. In this situation, it's the asshole boomerang.

cassiebear7652 7

You should've flung some right at her face.

eviegirl247 0

Something like that slush? Haha and then take a picture of her and laugh. Ahh karmas a bitch

Steer clear from Ontario! Alot of people here are assholes...

my friend had a hit n run the guy left and my friends car was all smashed up in the middle of the road. No one stopped to see if he was okay nobody even stopped to let him get his car off the road they just drove around him

perdix 29

Imagine her glee when she sees you can't spell "klutz!"

She'll laugh and take a screenshot?

perdix 29

Look up "Spelling Bee Boners" on YouTube. Make sure you explain you mean the old-fashioned meaning of boner as silly mistake. Without that, you can get redirected to odd fetish videos on YouPorn.

What a bitch! Don't worry Karma will get her!!

Haha I wanna see the picture, you should upload it

9- what's with you and posting retarded comments? Take 31's advice or put some thought into your comments next time

Volcan_fml 22

You're not entitled to other people's assistance.

It's common courtesy. Something you and that woman clearly lack. What she did was rude.

scarface90 8

I hope you remember your own advice next time you need someone's help...

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

12 People like you don't know how to be nice. Don't act stupid if you die alone.