
By glens - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my company announced a new name. They also announced new coffee mugs with the name on them. They've not announced raises in over 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 926
You deserved it 2 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sure that sucks, but in today's economy you should just be grateful you have a job at all!

well that sorta sucks but the pay must be decent enough for you to be there for over 3 years..


On the bright side, at least you have new coffee mugs

Things are looking up, you'll have a raise in 3 years if this keeps up!

What kind of dumbass expects a raise in this economy? Oh right. You do. Just enjoy your new mug and your regular paycheck. That's more than a lot of people have these days.

lilikawaii 6

Why did Doc get thumbed down? I bet he was voted down by people who get everything handed to them.

bfsd42 20

28, firstly, it is ok that people have their own opinion and thumb someone up or down, even against the Doc. ( Not saying that I did or didn't). Also, even in this economy, working hard to improve your own situation can easily net you a better job or pay raise. It won't be handed to you. But with some effort and belief in yourself, it will happen.

queen_awks 16

Or tea, if you're feeling really adventurous.

Normally when a company changes hands frequently, the odds of getting a raise are slim to none. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but don't hold your breath on getting that raise.

queen_awks 16

You can even wear them as a hat if you have really good posture.

zingline89 18

I'm with the company, I never announce my raises. I usually try to hunch over a bit and think of fat naked men trying to seduce me.

Thinking of perdix and boners right now?

You could make a video called 2 girls 1 coffee mug with it!