That's a lot

By Anonymous - 23/04/2023 22:00

Today, i purchased myself 150$ Egyptian cotton 800-thread count sheets for my birthday, which came with matching pillow cases and everything. My girlfriend decided to wear a bleach face cream and ruined the entire set, and then followed it up with using part of my savings to buy herself a cabin vacation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 059
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyer79 6

Sounds like it’s time to kick her out!! My sons ex was always spending his money! That’s why she’s a ex!!

Does she usually show this little respect for your possessions and feelings or what? Maybe it’s just me, but if I ruined somebody’s $20 bedsheet set I would be paying that back first thing. I would feel absolutely mortified if I ended up ruining a $150 set my boyfriend just bought.


While I don’t quite see how girlfriend managed to use your savings to buy a vacation without your permission, I do sympathize on the sheets. My wife also sometimes uses an oxy type cleanser or cream and it has damaged the colors on our pillowcases and towels… Most of us guys are fortunate that we don’t have to use makeup and related products, but for most women it’s part of life. My wife bought replacements for the pillowcases. They don’t really match, but then she is the woman I choose to sleep with and compromise is inevitable. I would suggest that you suggest to your girlfriend that she do a good job of washing and rinsing her face before coming to bed.

She can put down an old towel on her pillow. That was the only way to save my bedding when using a prescription cream that bleached everything it touched, even after thorough washing (some absorbs into the skin and comes out at night through perspiration).

You're too poor for such opulent luxuries. If those were in your budget, you wouldn't fly off the handle when they got damaged. How did she "ruin" more than a pillowcase with her face cream?

Does she usually show this little respect for your possessions and feelings or what? Maybe it’s just me, but if I ruined somebody’s $20 bedsheet set I would be paying that back first thing. I would feel absolutely mortified if I ended up ruining a $150 set my boyfriend just bought.

Boyer79 6

Sounds like it’s time to kick her out!! My sons ex was always spending his money! That’s why she’s a ex!!

Boyer79 6

Sounds like it’s time to kick her out!! My sons ex was always spending his money! That’s why she’s a ex!!

I don't think she's "your" girlfriend if she rented "herself" a cabin. Wake up

You need a new girlfriend, this one is a selfish arsehole who has zero respect for you.

Question 1. WHY in TF does she have access to your savings? Question 2. WHY is she STILL your girlfriend?