The Bridges of Madison County 2: Electric Boogaloo

By mistreated mistress - 19/06/2023 10:00

Today, despite the fact that we love each other and are perfect together, my boyfriend still refuses to leave his wife. Apparently it will "mess his kids up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 110
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Filed under “consequences of my own actions, etc”. Maybe you should try someone who’s single next time instead of being a homewrecker.

alw123 3

Ummm …yeah it will. Perhaps you should take it as a sign to move on …to someone who isn’t otherwise attached perhaps?


Filed under “consequences of my own actions, etc”. Maybe you should try someone who’s single next time instead of being a homewrecker.

alw123 3

Ummm …yeah it will. Perhaps you should take it as a sign to move on …to someone who isn’t otherwise attached perhaps?

Stop settling. Leave him. Find someone (preferably unattached) who will devote themselves to you completely.

tmb2020 1

The Bridges Of Madison County my ass😂 Winterset is my hometown and what kinda shit is this😭😂 Your ruining a great family city!!!

So you’re seeing someone who you know is married, and I’m guessing his wife doesn’t know about you and wouldn’t be okay with it? Yeah, you’re right for each other. You’re both human garbage.

TomeDr 24

You are a disgusting person. You’re a greedy idiot who doesn’t care about anyone but yourself!

Let’s say he did leave his family for you. What would you have? Somebody who would’ve proven that a marriage commitment doesn’t mean anything to him. Is that what you’d really want?

Gross. Leave the man be. Hes married and his kids don't deserve their home falling apart. you're a homewrecker and that's all you're worth

All I see in this post is pure selfishness. Seriously. I’m flabbergasted.