The ending of Lost explained

By Morgan - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I lost my dog. I looked around my neighborhood for hours, and found him under my bed asleep when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 859
You deserved it 30 044

Same thing different taste

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Thats why you call your dog in the house before you go on a never endding quest outside

OP you should just be thankful your dog is safe and sound! Something similar happened to me a couple years back, I was at my fiancé's house and his sister was crying and saying she thinks one of their dogs got out. So she began printing out pictures to make posters, my fiancé and I drove around the entire area for a good two hours, I posted statuses on Facebook telling people to keep a look out...then their grandma went in the sister's bedroom to collect her laundry and found the dog under her bed. We didn't even care we'd spent so much time looking for her, we were just happy she was safe. We all jumped on her and hugged her. :)