The gift that keeps on giving

By Anonymous - 08/08/2023 22:00

Today, it's been a few weeks since I had my first sexual experience in 6 years following my divorce. It was with a woman I’ve known for years. We get on amazingly, more than me and my ex ever did. She’s sweet, sexy, funny, amazing in bed, and even likes Xbox. Unfortunately she also gave me Scabies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 558
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well considering how easily transmitted scabies is and that it's highly infectious ,she could have easily caught in that the same day or you both could have caught it while out on your date ,wasn't necessarily her fault don't let it ruin a great experience🙂

Yeah, you’ll be laughing for years chill the **** out get the ointment and go have a good time. FaF thx for posting 😅


Well considering how easily transmitted scabies is and that it's highly infectious ,she could have easily caught in that the same day or you both could have caught it while out on your date ,wasn't necessarily her fault don't let it ruin a great experience🙂

Yeah, you’ll be laughing for years chill the **** out get the ointment and go have a good time. FaF thx for posting 😅