This is fine

By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 02:36 - United Kingdom - London

Today, at the beach, my boyfriend picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. I felt my bikini top come undone in the process. I panicked and pulled down on his shorts. We were fined for indecent exposure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 650
You deserved it 10 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So as soon as you feel your clothes coming off you instinctively need to take off your boyfriends pants? Lucky bastard...

Wait why did you pull down his pants if you were on his shoulders of him? I could see you pulling them up.


How would pantsing your boyfriend help anything?

Big_lama6 7

Based on your location, that's very unusual. Indecent exposure hasn't been a crime in the UK in about 10 years, and actually the law (which comes from the sexual offences act) only covers an intentional attempt to cause distress through being naked. Even that "naked rambler" guy gets given a few chances to put his clothes back on (and obstinately refuses) before they start bringing legal action.

I'm guessing they were at a beach abroad... mainly due to the fact who goes to the beach in England anyway! So if it was, I dunno, somewhere like Dubai a fine wouldn't be unlikely.

Yeah, that makes sense. And thinking about it, there aren't even any beaches in London. I don't think a "sunbathe" in the rain and a swim in the Thames would be anyone's idea of a good day out...

what_ever2007 11

If they were in Dubai...chances are, she would have gotten a fine (or worse) for even wearing a bikini

what_ever2007 11

P.S. Thanks for the info on UK laws! I like that one!

Snackycake 20
what_ever2007 11

*deleting my comment* This was meant as a reply to someone else's comment, but then the page decided to post it as a new comment instead of as a reply. *sigh* ...Problems with today? How ironic. FML