By ccc - 15/05/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, a cab driver had to sign me out of the emergency room because I didn't know who else to call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 132
You deserved it 4 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, man. Being in the hospital alone is a shitty feeling. I feel for you.


Aw, man. Being in the hospital alone is a shitty feeling. I feel for you.

StingMunFizzy 0

You and hm should be real tight though right now right?

haha that sucks...a lot. YDI for being a friendless loser

that's not very nice. if you say that about other people, it usually means you're a 'friendless loser' yourself.

Dflips 0
I2OI3 0

WHy were you in the emergency room? That sounds like important info to the FML story? Give us some more background please

Imawhalerider 0

Awww!! Please go out and make some friends lol. :/