By NotBuyingATractor - 02/09/2015 02:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a customer service guy called to fix a problem I've been having with my phone. When it transpired that he couldn't help, he transferred me to another representative. This other representative ended up being a John Deere dealer in Michigan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 643
You deserved it 1 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

John Deere stands behind all of their equipment... Except for their manure spreader

How does that even happen?! Always sucks having to call because you always get transferred from one person to another


FalloutScrolls 25

"Your call is very important to us."

..... please enjoy this 45 minutes flute solo!

olpally 32

That's just a dick move. Not your fault he's a dumb ass.

at least he didn't tell you to use duck tape to fix your phone lol

Do you happen to be the person who got their phone run over by a lawn mower?

Rammer3500 23

I know a John Deere dealer in Michigan...

Wow.. That other guy thought its a mechanical problem It seems

Oh dear. Sounds like somebody needs to fix their communication system XD

This John Deere that you know of does service phones...not exactly tractors...unless he is suggesting running it over with a mower...