By wardsl195 - 30/12/2015 05:55 - United States - Seaford

Today, a guy came to install a modem in my apartment. He needed to get to the jack behind my TV stand, so I helped him move it. Once the stand was moved, I saw a used condom that was hidden underneath. My cat must have pulled it out of my garbage weeks ago. There's no way the guy didn't see it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 471
You deserved it 3 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably seen worse things if he goes to people's houses often.

That sucks but it'll be a funny story to tell


That sucks but it'll be a funny story to tell

It'll be a funny story for the guy to tell too

Yeah exactly and you'll probably never see that installation guy again so it's not as bad as it could be.

JMichael 25

I'm sure the guy has probably seen worse. But hey it made a good FML story!

On the bright side he knows you're taken and not to flirt with you.

Or how about this... maybe the guy wasn't planning on flirting because maybe he's already taken or he just wants to get the job done ans get payed? Not every guy flirts with every woman they see.

fashionbug9880 22

You don't have to be taken to practice safe sex, you know. Anyone can have sex regardless of relationship status. Even if that was the case, it was an old condom. She could've used it with her boyfriend weeks ago and they could've broken up. We can't assume anything.

Always be sure to clean everything when people like that cum over... Haha

sounds like you've got a naughty pussy! Edit: Cat, I meant the damn cat!

You and your boyfriend should put it in the bottom.

Not sure if the FML is about not having sex in weeks or the condom being on the floor!

Both. Both very, very tragic. So tragic Barney Stinson couldn't help. (How I Met Your Mother)

fashionbug9880 22

They didn't say that they hadn't had sex in weeks, just that the cat took that particular condom from a few weeks ago.

disasterlydeed 26

Look on the bright side, a used condom is probably considered tame to him compared to the other stuff he's probably seen at other people's houses