By Anonymous - 07/12/2011 18:43 - United States

Today, after being yelled at by our boss because the office computer server has yet another virus, my co-worker and I did a bit of investigating. Apparently, the viruses aren't coming from client emails as we previously assumed. It seems that the problem is really our boss's porn addiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 324
You deserved it 2 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29

**** stars. Able to give you viruses both on and off screen.


(I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.) If the security of your company's network and servers is your responsibility, implement a web-filtering proxy to screen that type of content. "We're protecting the company network from viruses and malware, a lot of which we've found have come from **** sites." That frames it as a technical issue and avoids blaming your boss. You can further bolster the business case for this by pointing out that a network or server compromise would expose data that's supposed to be kept confidential. Things like employee info, customer data, internal memos, sales projections, upcoming inventions or new products, etc., etc. There are also legal reasons for filtering things like ****, "hate" sites, "shock sites", and the like. Someone who inadvertently walks in on a coworker surfing that stuff and gets an eyeful could legitimately lodge a "hostile workplace" complaint, exposing the company to legal liability. If your company is subject to laws like HIPAA or Gramm-Leach-Bliley, both of which create criminal and statutory civil penalties for failure to safeguard nonpublic personal information, you and your company could be in deep legal trouble if there were to be a breach. The criminal penalties for HIPAA and GLB violations include the possibility of jail time. Chances are you'll get buy-in from your boss on this, because he can't say "no" without looking bad. Your grandboss will likely buy in if your boss won't. Do it. If you're responsible for network and server security, and *can't* do it, start circulating resumes, because you're in a no-win situation. Recession or no, competent network admins are in demand.

That's not necessarily a good idea either. A friend of mine got a virus just by hovering over a link (and it wasn't even a **** site!)

Hahaha that happened to my boss too...when everyone found out what was going on he quit

JustAGuy18 0

Pretty sure that's not how it works. You need to download the information in order to download the virus. Looking at the link is like looking at a picture, clicking the link is like taking said picture.

UrCapsLockOn 12

**** addict.... LIKE A BOSS ^^

UrCapsLockOn 12

**** addict.... LIKE A BOSS ^^