By sammarli530 - 29/05/2013 16:24 - United States - New Lenox

Today, after calling the insurance plan for my new iPhone a "huge waste of money", I promptly dropped it in the store while trying to put it into my pocket, cracking the screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 774
You deserved it 52 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you never take the chance with an iPhone. You can do that with a Nokia, not iphone


The_Pug 5

Did you CRACK them up??? Only joking. That sucks.

But how much did she pay overall for each month of insurance? I don't think it's always bad - if you need the phone replacing early in the contract (and the insurance plan actually covers the problem) then it should work out a good deal. I just don't think it's worth it in the long term as you could end up paying insurance for 24 months and end up never having to use it...personally, I'd rather just put the money to the side and save it up myself. Then I have something in case of emergency but, if nothing happens, I don't lose out. Of course, if you have enough money that you can easily afford it it might be worth paying just for the peace of mind but I don't have that much myself.

Ohh damn.... Btw, geek squad insurance is worth the money.

Irony...should have got a case for it...that would have protected it depending how it hit the ground...

Michael_92 20

I have personally never had insurance. I have always chanced it and over 5 years broke 0 phones. I guess when I paid $300 for a phone being 16 you really respect it. With that said in the next few weeks when I get the HTC one I will be putting insurance on it.

I've dropoed my phone a lot and never cracked the screen they're made from gorilla glass I dont see how she could'vepossibly cracked I

Ydi for getting an iPhone. They break easily, insurance is needed with those crappy things.