By Anonymous - 19/12/2018 20:00

Today as I was waiting at the gynecologist I texted my husband to see if birth control pills were covered on our insurance...yep texted my boss instead who I had been asking about a raise..don’t think I’ll be getting that raise... FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 044
You deserved it 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don’t see how that would keep you from getting a raise. You’re being responsible. Plus this totally lets your boss know you won’t be taking maternity leave any time soon and therefore can get a raise and not bail a few months later.

404wan 19

what does a wrong text have to do with your work performance? besides, an insurance question would be the least embarassing thing to accidentally send your boss!


I don’t see how that would keep you from getting a raise. You’re being responsible. Plus this totally lets your boss know you won’t be taking maternity leave any time soon and therefore can get a raise and not bail a few months later.

404wan 19

what does a wrong text have to do with your work performance? besides, an insurance question would be the least embarassing thing to accidentally send your boss!

trevorino 5

What does you wanting to know whether or not Birth Control is cover by your insurance have to do with you getting a raise? **** your boss

bidet 8

Assuming that the OP's boss is male, she can follow the advice in your last sentence without worrying about getting pregnant. And she might even get that raise after all.

PenguinPal3017 19

At first I was thinking this was because you're planning on getting pregnant, but you're actually planning on the opposite. So it's just an awkward text accident. Shouldn't be a big deal.

tounces7 27

Assuming your Insurance is through your workplace, this wouldn't be an entirely unusual thing to ask your boss, even if he's not very likely to actually know the answer.

sparx1_1 12

You actually have a better chance of getting that raise now that he has proof you aren't going to get pregnant and quit in a year.

On the bright side, you likely asked the right perso, ,and now your boss will know that you would rather work hard than have kids.

I still have no idea how all these people keep sending texts and pics to the wrong people by "accident" ???!!!??? Any way Joe, I need to get back to work before the troll stops by my office.

Must have been a photo with the text, selfie from the stirrups.

I think your boss might be thinking of a different kind of raise now....