By glocked and goaded - 03/04/2015 18:08 - United States - Sun City

Today, at my cousin's wedding, there was a bouquet toss. I jumped to catch it, only to get knocked down and crushed by a woman twice my size who'd jumped backwards. It still feels like someone shattered my ribs with a sledgehammer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 814
You deserved it 2 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why I just step back and watch the crazy ladies fight til their deaths

Should've bit that heifer right in the freaking tenderloin!


That's why I just step back and watch the crazy ladies fight til their deaths

Next time don't go for it if you're that small

Didn't OP state that the woman was twice her size? The woman just might've been obese.

The human sized girls are the ones who will actually get married

Should've bit that heifer right in the freaking tenderloin!

FYL OP.. I sat far away in a corner during a bouquet toss when a bunch of ladies (including 2 of my aunts) were clambering for it! Just sit back and enjoy the show!

Steffi3 40

Honestly, I don't quite see a point to bouquet tosses. I'd say it's safe to sit the next one out.

WasabiG 11

Its believed that whoever catches it will be the next to get married.

I guess it's not your turn yet to get married, sorry OP.

"I came in like a wreeeecking ball"

#11 Wrote this about 47 minutes before you. It's always good to check the comments first.