By Sh.H - 23/02/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, before a big formal banquet, I went tanning because I wanted to look good in my cocktail dress. I got out of the tanning bed only to realize that I had left my socks on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 795
You deserved it 55 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blind_Ninja 0

At least your feet won't get cancer. =)


Herbal_fml 0

I fail to see how this is a FML. You can't tell after only one tan. It doesn't turn you instantly dark, it takes many times in a tanning bed before you would get noticeably darker.

Cdldriver 0

Are you ******* serious? well now wear socks with that dress lol

zSapphire15 0
iplantzy 0

tan again, it will even out

At least your feet match each other imagine if you only left one sock on

kittenelaine 0

If this is true, you must be clueless.