By Anonymous - 03/08/2016 18:50 - Canada - London

Today, even though I'm overweight, I was feeling alright about the way I looked in the historical costume I'm required to wear by my job. A little kid came in and asked me if I was having a baby. Guess I don't look as good as I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 701
You deserved it 1 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, I'm just a little bloated from the last bratty child I ate." *glare*

Kids are brutal. No filters whatsoever.


I guess it's time to slap a little bitch

Kids are brutal. No filters whatsoever.

"No, I'm just a little bloated from the last bratty child I ate." *glare*

take it as a compliment, pregnant women are beautiful

It's not much of a compliment if you aren't pregnant.

No. Pregnant women CAN be beautiful. Being pregnant does not make you beautiful.

Well it can make you have glossy hair and glowing skin, plus a general air of excitement if the baby is wanted. I've definitely noticed a couple of my (already pretty but of course I'm biased) friends being more radiant during and after their pregnancy.

So the pretty people stayed pretty while pregnant? Is that supposed to prove that pregnancy makes people pretty?

dont listen to some bratty kid as long as you arent crazily overweight then you have the choice what skin you feel comfortable in

TheLostCauseFML 40

All the ones who said the OP deserved it, you're pretty messed up. FYL... Sorry, OP. You didn't deserve that. Kids will be kids. They have no filter. Adults are supposed to, but you know as well as I do... some "Adults" never grow up.

TheEpicKitten 20

YDI for being overweight. People need to stop pretending it's possible to be fat [enough to have visceral fat picked around your organs] and healthy.

Doesn't mean that you don't look good ;) Besides, you have a body, ind, and soul - embrace all three! :D

I would love to embrace my ind, if I only knew what it was.

It could be that you don't look "fat"/pregnant in the outfit, but that it just looks unusual and the kid thought it was some kind of maternity wear, especially if it's billowy and comfortable-looking.