By LockandKey - 24/02/2009 23:28 - United States

Today, everyone at school was talking about some guy that did another girl while he was going out with someone. I started to spread the rumor myself, until someone told me that that guy was my boyfriend. The other girl was my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 343
You deserved it 28 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cloudy_fml 0

What's more awesome than spreading rumors? Spreading rumors you know absolutely nothing about! That'll teach ya.

That's why you shouldn't spread rumors. Sorry about your boyfriend/best friend situation, though :(


It's so funny how this back fired on you and how this rumor was about your relationship with a a guy

This exact thing happened at my school and the girl that got cheated on smashed her 'best friends' face in a desk

Omg, like no way! That is like totally cray cray! I like cannot even believe that like it happened at ur school too! My god I am so unbelievably thankful that I am no longer in high school or junior high and do not have to deal with this anymore! And I'm sure that I'm not the only person on this website cringing at this post and some of the replies, thinking the exact same thing lol

you were spreading a rumor and didn't even know who the rumor was about? ydi

peterblack67 9

You were spreading a rumor without having any idea who you were talking about? What the hell?