By dealtit - 30/07/2014 03:49 - United States - Toccoa

Today, I accidentally farted in the middle of class. Thinking I got away with it, I just kept doing my work until some kid across the room says, "I could have done better." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 157
You deserved it 6 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did he direct it towards you or just in general? I think you're fine, OP.


I have seen burp wars but gas wars might be a bit much

This reminds me on family guy when Peter has the farting contest in the bathroom

one for you! And oh, do i have enough juice for you? *strains*

Many FMLs don't get posted until months or years later. By default, the post is edited to start out with today.

This is hardly an FML. Everybody farts and sometimes other people hear it. OP, You need to smellow and get on with life/class.

vividpictures 17

I do that all the time.. But anyways, The kid was probably talking about a test score or grade? Or not.

momac86 17

That is when you challenge them to a fart-off