By pocahauntas91 - 21/10/2017 13:00 - United States - Redondo

Today, at 7 months pregnant, I dealt with migraines, body aches, and morning sickness. In my rush to the bathroom, I couldn't get my dog out of the way and puked on his back. Now he needs a bath, but wet dog makes me more nauseous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 515
You deserved it 362

pocahauntas91 tells us more.

Hi, OP here. Morning sickness can be all the way up through the end of pregnancy. In my case, my husband is a very sound sleeper and hates puke more than I do, and he works nights so I didn't want to wake him up. Luckily this isn't an every day issue but it's been enough that I can't wait for this tapeworm to come out so the sick feeling stops lol

Top comments

Just wash him and throw up, and repeat the cycle until you get dry heaves. You’re welcome in advance.

Do you not have a husband or someone else who can wash the dog for you? At seven months pregnant, someone should be able to lend a hand. Also, just curious, but why are you still having morning sickness at seven months pregnant? I thought that ended after the first trimester.


Just wash him and throw up, and repeat the cycle until you get dry heaves. You’re welcome in advance.

Do you not have a husband or someone else who can wash the dog for you? At seven months pregnant, someone should be able to lend a hand. Also, just curious, but why are you still having morning sickness at seven months pregnant? I thought that ended after the first trimester.

Unfortunately for some women, morning sickness can last the entire pregnancy. When I was pregnant, my morning sickness was all day until about 14 weeks and then every once in a while until 6 months. Every woman's experience is different.

my mom was sick (when she was pregnant with my brother) up until 2 weeks before she gave birth. every pregnancy is different!

Hi, OP here. Morning sickness can be all the way up through the end of pregnancy. In my case, my husband is a very sound sleeper and hates puke more than I do, and he works nights so I didn't want to wake him up. Luckily this isn't an every day issue but it's been enough that I can't wait for this tapeworm to come out so the sick feeling stops lol

kimberbuckel 1

Some unfortunate women have morning sickness all the way up to the end. There's even a medical name for it hyperemesis gravid arum. Not everybody has or wants a husband!

oh hun... you're very mistaken. Some women can experiance morning sickness right up until the birth! some get it so bad, they have to be hospitalised.

some women have it all the way through. everyone is different.