By BrokeBride - 14/08/2014 07:15 - United States - Hudson

Today, I asked for time off from work for my wedding and honeymoon. A grand total of three days. My boss made a face like he'd sucked on rancid toes and asked me if I was stupid. Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 456
You deserved it 3 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well next time you get married plan it for a wednesday, get 5 days instead


wow just three days i need 3 weeks...

Maybe she is the best employee there and the boss simply can't do without her.

Three days isn't so bad...what does a holiday do for him just that day off?

Unless you've been off for many days already this year (which I doubt) your boss is being a complete tight arse. Hope things work out Op!

Your boss is a little shit. How do you tell someone they can't take off for their own wedding. I would just not show up anyway.

Sounds like he's contracted a severe case of PHB (pointy haired boss) Syndrome... Sadly there is no cute for this tragic lifelong illness. If scientists discover a cure, I recommend taking a collection around the office for his lobotomy. No doubt he will be very grateful for this thoughtful gesture. Oh, FYL, OP, congrats on the wedding, though!

When I asked for the weekend off for my wedding my boss said, "It doesn't take two days to get married." I thought she was joking so I laughed, but she wasn't. She was one of the people who drove us both back to college so we wouldn't have to work for exploitive asshats for the rest of our lives. My husband worked in another store of theirs and was turned down time off for his grandmothers funeral. He had to beg to get two hours off. They later went divorced and lost two businesses. He still owns a fast food joint in the city I teach in and I always warn my students from applying there and eating there because they also got a few surprise health department inspections when someone reported them for things like serving food from the trash (true, I dropped a roll on the floor and threw it away and he took it out of the trash, wiped it on his apron and forced me to serve it), not holding meat at proper temps, and cross contamination. The HD will investigate without giving names, thank goodness. People like that aren't worth your time and are great jobs to get out of.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Ask again straight face and say do I get my 3 days or do I need to put in my 2 weeks or should I go right now?