By hunter168647 - 02/07/2011 05:50 - United States

Today, I bought an otter box. While setting up my iPhone, I dropped it and it is now shattered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 181
You deserved it 8 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a box where you store your otters.

saIty 17

I'll get the super glue, and you get the duct tape. HURRY.


justbigbs 6

Well if your rich you could buy another one an give Apple more money, or if you're like me dirt poor, learn to fix it yourself.... ummm youtube ummmm ebay....

I feel you pain. I went to show my friends how the phone fits inside the otter case when it slipped and fell to it's death. complete fail. best case for iPhone in one hand and shattered iPhone in the other. :( take it to apple be honest it might help. it's worth a try. good luck on your next iPhone.

skittlesxmonster 5

^this is why droids are better :3

should of got a droid. I watched a friend shatter 4 iphones in a month on accident. I've had my droid 3 months and dropped it a dozen times its fine

otterbox has a 1 year warranty that IF you can manage to break your phone, they will replace it

autobot1993 0

yeah I have an otter box on my iPhone 4 I've dropped mine so many times and it still works