By rara1989 - 13/12/2011 12:15 - United Kingdom

Today, I called in sick at work because I have the flu. This is my first sick day in the 2 years I've worked there. It's also the day the CEO made a surprise visit. My co-workers all got generous salary increases, and some of them promotions. I'm not included, simply because I wasn't there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 544
You deserved it 3 859

rara1989 tells us more.

oh hey, that was my FML. I made an account just so i could say this to you... I wasn't faking being ill to go xmas shopping ta. I got my shopping out the way back in Nov! (no sick day!) I've got the flu bad, worse day to get ill!. I'm going into work tomorrow though despite how horrible I feel so I can speak to my boss about it!. Sucks to be me right now!

Top comments

I was trying to think of some witty and amusing comment to make, but I can't even bring myself to do that. I'd be so pissed if that happened to me!

EmperorHilo 11

Just go talk to the CEO, and if they aren't willing to do the same for you, file a complaint.


It's like going to Oprah's show and then on the next show you don't go to she starts giving away all this expensive shit. Rage! :D

Steve95401 49
davidisbeast 12

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

I hate when people say this crap, just because there are people that don't have a job doesn't mean that the people working at places shitty places for crap salaries should be celebrating for being there. And this is not about being ungrateful is about people stopping to think small and start aiming higher cos that type of mentality will get you nowhere

herotime 7

A lot of people don't have a job because they're too lazy to look for a job.

And of course we are thankful for our jobs but if we have the opportunity to get paid more, of course we will take it.

yumlicious 4

BI actually disagree with you Alan. All he was trying to do was be optimistic and cheer the OP up. No need to be a negative nancy. Stop spreading your misery please.

Llama_Face89 33

39- Challenge accepted!! I DISAGREE WITH YOU!!! Do your worst!!! :)

yumlicious 4

I'll disagree with you as I play the bagpipes naked.

Oh DEAR. I am not sure how Alan can ever recover from that comeback.

yumlicious 4

Not really. They have a couple catchy songs, but nothing worthwhile or memorable.

davidisbeast 12

Oh gosh , FML team all up in here. I agree with Alan .. This comment is pointless..

So, good to know any kind of cheering up is not allowed. How about this. The OP is left alone or has their bad luck spelled out and drug through the mud to make it more painful. You're all also assuming that this is a shitty job. Which we have no indication it is. OP's situation sucks ass, but when there's a 10-11% unemployment rate I think this is a valid brightside to say you have a job.

^ STFU. It's not cheering up, it's just a shitty excuse to talk down to the OP and feel smug about it. That comment was about as useful as the morons who post stupid "that sucks" or shitty situation jokes.

7 - a lot of people can't even pay their bills, having a kitten is better than none. That's the point of that post, thanks for coming out. A lot of people are marmosets but there's no point to that either I guess.

Alan's comment wounded you? Hey, at least you have Internet access in order to read that comment. A lot of people in the world do not, so be grateful and don't complain!

Alan... All I have to say to you is. "as I fart"

Horcruxer 0

57 - I don't fancy you naked, but the sound of bagpipes turn me on...

deadeyedex 6

Damn youngsters and there boxes with screens

Mister_Triangle 21

Why can't I thumbs up mod comments?

SpruceDread4578 13

My first time seeing 2 mods at is good :D

Now I'm scared since 54 hasn't commented again since hs challenged Alan... Wow the FML staff truly is something to fear, I remember the time when I got an email because one of my comments got moderated, it was like watching a SWAT team raid my house

I was trying to think of some witty and amusing comment to make, but I can't even bring myself to do that. I'd be so pissed if that happened to me!

xSonic 9's a real FML ?

Mister_Triangle 21

She could always Occupy Wall Street in protest

ZombieVampirez 24

It just doesn't pay to be sick. Sorry OP

Okay.. Your comment sucks. *thumbs comment down*

EmperorHilo 11

Just go talk to the CEO, and if they aren't willing to do the same for you, file a complaint.

dbt88 15

File a complaint to whom? There's nobody above the CEO generally and nobody below him is going to *make* him do anything.

Torva_fml 16

Most companies have a board of directors, or a group of people in charge. They could easily vote him out of the company. (some restrictions apply) There's also something called HR.

This is the second fml in a week in which there's a discssion on wheter CEOs have bosser or not

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, your timing couldn't have been worse. Not like you could've controlled it though. Sorry OP!

ninjuh_wingman 29

How ironic that the one day you're sick was probably the one day you shouldnt.