By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 08:52 - Australia

Today, I called my mom from Australia. I have been abroad for two months and hadn't talked to her in a long time. A few minutes into the conversation my moms stops me and says this call must cost a fortune and hangs up on me. A few bucks in more important to her then me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 390
You deserved it 5 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weren't you calling her? She was just probably wanting you to save your money for the trip.

The last sentence just ruined this one for me. Quit crying. And it's "than" not "then".


"A few bucks is more important to her THAN you" Then vs Than... learn it.

Similar thing happened to me... I went on a trip around the country for over a month when I was a kid. I called my parents collect every few days. When I got home and they got the bill, they decided I needed to pay it because it was so expensive (over $250). I wouldn't have called to check in if I knew they were going to charge me! :(

Similar thing happened to me... I went on a trip around the country for over a month when I was a kid. I called my parents collect every few days. When I got home and they got the bill, they decided I needed to pay it because it was so expensive (over $250). I wouldn't have called to check in if I knew they were going to charge me! :(

what a whiny last sentence. get over yourself...

Professor59 2

Next time, don't call collect. Than, you won't have to complain.

awwww 4 get it m8 ur in OZ!! the best damn place on the earth!

kdodoubleg 0

My parents never called me while I was studying abroad in Spain and hung up on me more than once. I studied abroad in fall of 2001. My mother only talked to me for 2 minutes on 9/12/01 and I called her. Our parents are idiots. Don't expect them to understand that they're idiots either.

Um #23 how could a person "go use an internet cafe" if they were in a third world country? They wouldn't have internet and they for sure wouldn't have cafes if they were a third world country.

#91 did you just call australia a 3rd world country? If you did... It has one of the highest living standards in the world... :P And if you didnt, then just ignore that (: Australia ftw! Aussie aussie aussieee Oi oi oi :D Wooo Yeaaah just get a skype account... And if you dont have one then go into the local maccas (mcdonalds) and use their free wifi to download, and then use it.

andsoitends 21

I live in a third world country and we have internet cafe's. Get your facts straight.

most likely she was disgusted that her grown child doesn't know the difference between "then" and "than"