By kukadaman - 15/03/2010 06:19 - United States

Today, I came home to hear my girlfriend break up with me, over the answering machine, with my entire family in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 615
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha it's like 'how I met your mother' with the character Natalie!

Your girlfriends a bitch. You never break up with people over the phone, and defiantly not over a message. Hopefully she didn't say anything, err unneasasary.


It's hard to tell whether or not you deserved this. Maybe you're just as innocent as your FML sounds and your ex-girlfriend was just a dumb, cowardly bitch; however, for all we know, you were abusive and you beat her, she finally had enough and ran for safety, and once she was safe, decided to tell you she was through. This could go both ways.

pippacrawford 4

So could almost all FMLs. The marine whose wife cheated on him while he was on active duty could have an abusive **** with aggression issues. You have FMLs at face value otherwise you're just overanalyzing

I had the same thing happen to me once, only it was the day of my grandpas funeral. I then later found out her dad was ******* her, so I now laugh everytime I remember that day.

perdix 29

How many of them voted that they "liked" the breakup message? Facebook is penetrating real life, y'know.

78euge781995 0

FYL OP. At least she should be brave and breaked up with you personally, not by leaving you a message or text.

FYL. Unfortunately not a lot of people know how to make nice/clean breaks. Hopefully the message was at least respectable. Would suck if she used the "just friends" or "not you but me" lines. Seriously... is it that hard to treat people (especially 'friends' and lovers) the same way you would like to be treated?

Hey, have you been dating my ex? I found out we were through when some other guy answered the phone when I called her.

? I know of only one person that uses cell phones as their home phone, everyone else has landlines.

my landline cuts out more than my cell does! damn digital phone these days.