By life_suxxx - 17/12/2009 06:09 - United States

Today, I come home to find that my dog has taken a dump on my bed. I quickly put on my house shoes to avoid possibly stepping on any other of his turds. I felt something squish all over my right foot. He also took a dump in my house shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 551
You deserved it 4 899

Same thing different taste


lickmyjock 0

I have to agree, nothing worse than cat piss, crap and vomit. Trust me I know.

Quit abusing Your beloved! They do that cause often they are mistreated!!

randiZ25 0

they do that as a sign of disrespect.. someones not the pack leader..

baby_gurl2405 0

haha omfg this made my day :-P poor u tho OP tht sux major ;-P (still funny tho ;) )

Fake on the shoe, and I suspect fake on the bed. Fake on the shoe because dogs simply do not have that kind of aim, particularly since when it comes to dumping they would have no motivation for dumping directly on an object. Fake on the bed since, if the dog sleeps on the bed, it would not crap on it because dogs generally do not shit where they sleep or eat (which is why crating dogs generally helps toilet training). And if it does not sleep on your bed, it would most likely not jump up there just to shit. Both these things separately are possible, and even together is a very remote possibility, but given FML users' propensity for submitting absolute bullshit, I call fake.

Good arguments. now I believe thats a fake, too.

xxreikoxx 31

I'm going to disagree with your comment, even though it seems like a valid point. I've been around cats and dogs my entire life until this year, but there were days when I've come home to find a present on my bed from the dog(s). Whether pee or crap, if the dog was scared or suffered from a bladder problem and couldn't hold it, they'll go right where it's convenient. Sometimes it'll be a bed, and sometimes it'll be all over a shoe. The only thing wrong with the OP's post is that, regardless of the dog's size, the dump is too big to simply be inside the shoe. It had to have been noticed outside as well. Only cats are crafty enough to crap inside of a shoe and not miss. Nothing is worse than cat pee, though...I lost a pair of shoes as a result. -_-+

No, not a fake... or, at last not fake on these grounds...

I had a dog growing up that shit perfectly in my sisters shoe. Best thing ever! So yeah dogs can have good aim.

bleedingglitter 24

My old roommates dog used to take ***** directly on the wireless modem. I once we moved that he started jumping up onto the table to shit directly on her record player. They do poop on specific objects and little dogs have very good aim.

He's 3 steps ahead of you. You might wanna hire someone to test your food before you eat.

Then I grabbed the newspaper, and turns out it was full of shit as well! FML

Judges? (looks towards an ominous table with three dead judges and a gavel) Looks like we have a winrar. You can choose from this list of "wonderful" prizes: 1) A Jar of Almonds 2) The Best of John Denver collection or you can choose what's behind the mysterious curtain...

Are you sure? if you choose either prize #1 or #2, we'll throw in a complimentary PEZ dispenser in the shape of James Earl Jones (PEZ not included). So... will you stick with the curtain or change your prize decision?

I don’t know Brave_Sir_Robin…this is a hard decision, especially now that you’re included the PEZ-free PEZ dispenser. But no, I think I’ll stick to my original choice: the mysterious curtain!


Aw cool, cigarettes! I can share them with the children around the neighbourhood (that's how you get'em hooked early).

but the kicker is the 500 lbs. of Donkey dung. I hear it's great this time of year for warmth...

I suppose I can’t swap this for the PEZ dispenser anymore (but I'm keeping the cigarettes)?

Unfortunately, you made your choice of what was behind the magic curtain. However, I'm willing to let you trade everything you won (yes, even the cigarettes) for what's in the mysterious box. It's tempting, isn't it. Temptation... temptation...

xxreikoxx 31

Idiots...give the donkey doo and cigarettes to the OP, not the each other. -.-;

Okay first of all, it was mysterious curtain, not magic curtain. Second of all: mysterious box please (I'm already regretting my pack of ciggies)!!!

First response - D'oh! (shakes fist at magic curtain) DAMN YOU MAGIC CURTAIN!! Second response - Are you sure you want to trade in 500 pounds of donkey s**t and a pack of cigarettes (a great prize in my book) for what's in the mysterious box?

500 pounds of donkey s**t and a pack of cigarettes may be awesome, but a mystery box could be anything...even 500 pounds of donkey s**t and a pack of cigarettes!