By Anonymous - 14/10/2013 18:19 - United States - El Paso

Today, I decided to start a new and healthy diet. When I came home from my run this morning, my family decided to show their support by buying takeaway food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 517
You deserved it 4 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can beat this obstacle, you can beat many more. think of it as challenging yourself.

op doesn't HAVE to eat it. First step in practicing willpower.


Jst4kicks 16

so? stay dedicated! just ignore it and go eat something healthy

Get used to it-certain people in your life will try to sabotage your diet. Sad but true.

sallee23444 11

i know exactly how u feel , always happens to me. fyl

While I agree that your life sucks because you had to endure the food your family got that wasn't within your diet. I have to say you deserve it because its your diet, not theirs. You are the one who is making lifestyle changes, not them. You have no reason to assume they'd make the same changes to support you. Having their support might be nice, but again, it's your issue and your diet not theirs.

perdix 29

You ought to try what I'm on: the Seafood Diet -- when I see food, I eat it!

Goblin182 26

I'm on a blue food diet. I don't eaty any blue food.

"Takeaway"? I never heard anyone from the US say that lol

Kvothe008 4

Why does everyone else have to suffer for your personal life choices?

Now you can practice resistance! Once you can resist bad foods, you'll be good to go! But sorry your family tempted you OP:(

monnanon 13

oh dear is someone speaking a different way to you? finding hard to deal with are you? everyone in the UK calls it takeway and although it says OP is from the US they could be from a British family or be an Anglophile hence the use of British venacular.

So what? It's not their diet and exercise regime, they can do what they want.