By noname - 17/02/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I dropped my 400 dollar iphone, that's been through toilets and 6 foot falls, on a walmart floor and shattered the screen. I managed, however, to catch the 2 dollar macaroni and cheese before it hit the ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 652
You deserved it 32 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP did say it's been through toilets and falls, so I'm pretty sure that its a good phone. plus, grass is nothing..

#34, the price of your phone has nothing to do with where you can or cannot shop. WalMart generally has pretty good prices, and, personally, if I'd gone and spent four-hundred bucks on a phone, I'd want to save where I could. Why spend five bucks when you could spend three? And this just proves that WalMart floors are like kryptonite to phones...


Cierra657 0

well its your lucky day because now iphones are 50 dollars.

lmao2fml 1

iphone's are pieces of shit. if it so much as falls a few feet its shattard. dropped my atrix 6 feet many times. bot a single screen issue

U can replace the screen for less then 100 bucks, I know this cause I shattered mine to

s3xymoma 1
s3xymoma 1
pilotx 0

The funny thing is... I bought my iPhone at Walmart. iPhone 4S FTW!