By Anonymous - 27/07/2009 09:38 - United States

Today, I drove six hours with a friend to see one of her favorite bands in concert. We were turned away at the door because the online site didn't say we had to be 21 to enter. I drove six hours back with nothing to show for it but an empty gas tank and useless tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 596
You deserved it 9 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you jus sell them to someone quickly?

gracieroxursox 3

I don't know if you noticed, but OP specified that there was nothing about the age restriction on the website...


been there. only i didn't have tix in advance, but still, i wanted to see the show. tried to go to another show in the same city and it was sold out. i even tried to find out if you had to be 21 to get into the first show, but couldnt get anyone on the phone and the website didnt say. better luck next time.

1- sell the tickets 2- make your friend pay for the gas

kendraaaxo 0

omg was that the saliva concert?! I was gonna go but you had to be 21 :) hahaha.

why is everyone saying sell the tickets? it was the OP's friend's FAVORITE band! sneak in! security at those places is usually mildly high, but easy enough to get through once the show has been going on for a few minutes

winter_sky 0

That sucks. It almost happened to me once. There was a singer me and my best friend really liked that we were planning on seeing. We checked the website a few times but didn't see anything about age. Luckily, before we bought the tickets my friend noticed it said 21+ in some fine print. You'd think they'd make it a lot clearer!

Ellodie_fml 0

still, he cant like not give you a ticket cuz youre his wife. his job can not interfer with his family

CookyMonsta 0

sell the tickets there? LOL

kratos1586 0

that almost happened to me. i was gona go to a gabriel iglesias show.....luckily i called and asked if u needed to be a certain age.FYL Op

Uh yeah why didn't you try to sell the tickets?? And you could have tried to sneak shoulda tried somethin' after going all that way....:)

Airborn0280 18

Should have asked for road head, then the trip would not have been for nothing.