By meesmees - 23/11/2013 10:48 - United States - Severna Park

Today, I ended up talking to a homeless man and bought him a meal. In return, he hugged me and groped my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 810
You deserved it 6 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grauncho 27

Looks like he got dessert with that meal.

The ass grope. By definition the best way to thank someone.


So when someone buys you dinner that doesn't mean you automatically need to put out as a thank you??

perdix 29

It's not automatic, but if don't, you get expect many more free meals from that person. ;)

Reminds me of one of my bar guest: Girl: What's the market price of the lobster? Guy: You know if you order that we're ******* tonight! Girl: I'll have the chicken.

perdix 29

#36, so, what did the chicken cost her?

perdix 29
martin8337 35
emirie 21

If she did, she wouldn't be posting about it on FML.

Vegnas 13

Could've been worse. At least he didn't pick-pocket you wallet out of your back pocket.

Thats what you get for doing something nice huh?

thissexyguy96 11

He was just paying u bak the only way e knew how to pay u bak the "perv way"

Please use proper words, grammar and sentence structure. You're only portraying yourself as an illiterate, dim witted moron.

RedPillSucks 31

Luckily you didn't buy him the Grand-Slam breakfast or he wouldn't have stopped at second.

The feeling you get from helping someone and doing a good deed is awesome. Aaaaand there it goes....

pinchepriscyla 9