By Hth - 28/10/2008 00:13 - United States

Today, I farted A LOT during an exam, all silent, so I figured I should be OK. Then I looked around and everybody was suffocating and giving me sly looks. I'm now known to everyone in the department as SuperFart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 326
You deserved it 43 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

carriealana 0

Never heard of 'silent but deadly'?

i did that on the bus once it was hilarious to watch the reactions, thank god they didn't find out it was me. **** there lives hahahahah!


By that logic then construction work, rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading, and running a daycare are also sports. Sitting on an animal while it runs is not a sport.

Preach ?? I myself have a Hanoverian warm blood named Stryker ?

easybree 9

wait did you think that just because your farts don’t make a sound that means they don’t smell? actually?