By M_Kclift1994 - 20/01/2010 23:19 - United States

Today, I fell asleep after finishing my exam. I had a dream I was falling and woke up smashing my face on the desk. Everyone laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 712
You deserved it 8 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamgoofymovie 0

#11 quit complaining because ur fml's don't get posted...ur being a big baby...

your friend's fml was probably rejected because it was SAD! this site is meant to be light and funny, not depressing. we're supposed to get a laugh at someone else's expense. it would be pretty ****** up to laugh at your friend's fml.


SumKid_fml 0

Why do the comments go like: 1, 2, 54, 11, 51, 52... all mixed around

hahaha I would laugh too. I do this when falling asleep. I'm half asleep and in my dream I'll fall off a curb or trip and my body will jerk in real life.

I feel sorry for you OP, I hate the dreams where you think you're falling. When I was younger, I used to sleep in the top bunk, and I had one of these dreams, jumped up, and skinned my scalp off of the roof. Needless to say, I cried, being only about 10 at the time. :[

oh ya i once fell asleep with my hand holding up my head and the teacher was the one to pull my hand away fast and made me hit my jaw on the corner of the desk and fell out of my chair

a person sitting next to me was sleeping while holding a pencil with the sharpened end up. i checked the angle of the pencil, and noticed that it was pointing right at the person's eye( if he were to lose balance as his head would come off the hand that was holding it up.) so i moved the pencil.

oh God that happened to me in high school. i think subconsciously we know we are SO WRONG for falling asleep in class that we dream about falling to wake us the hell up lmfao

I had that on a plane before scary stuff.