By shampoogirl - 26/08/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, I finally landed a new job, and thinking he would be proud, I told my boyfriend. Instead of congratulating me, he got mad that my work hours include Saturday, his laundry day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 095
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laurenlou 24

Tell him to get off his ass and do the laundry himself! Psh.


creedaddict 9

Wow sound like me EX .... See that key word EX

Grow some lady-balls and tell him to do his own damn laundry.

redneckhoney91 0

Honestly if he works 12 hour shifts from 7 pm to 7 am then I can understand him asking you to help but not to do it all on your own but if not then he is just a lazy prick who needs to learn how to do his own laundry.

Oh please. There's no excuse period. What if he was single? Who'd do his laundry then?

Instead of washing his clothes with detergent, you should wash them with urine then break up with him.

Glitch333 0

I would've dumped him right then and there. No ifs, ands, or buts.

cause u need to be doing his laundry. THAT IS YOUR JOB.

Rainbow_Crash 11

I won't say "break up with him!" becaue it simply isn't a relationship ending offence. However, he's a big boy, isn't he? Make him do his own damn laundry. His hands aren't screwed on backwards.

I learned how to do my laundry at age 11, it's not really that hard. Just sayin'