By Username - 19/05/2011 15:13

Today, I finally started my dream job. I turned up for work with a huge smile on my face. Imagine how much my face dropped when I saw that I had to share an office with the girl I stood up last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 980
You deserved it 80 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vanguard507 0

More like imagine how she feels. Just saying.

Optimus_Primerib 0

I hope she ***** your shit up you loser.


traze 7

I can't imagine, how much did it drop?

Ace1991 2

haha lower than his pecker is prolly

iluffhimm 0

I bet lower then his balls.... then again that's not saying much cuz a REAL man would GROW THE BALLS to call the girl or stick it out for one date

michaelm1290 23

Tell her you were volunteering with sick kids at the hospital. Then bring her flowers. Problem solved.

guys like that are what plague this world. - liars. but can't say women are much better when it comes to that.

jdeshnerx3 0

more like fhl she's gotta share an office with you poor girl

WompWompWomp123 7

it's an FYL, FHL situation. Hopefully, she gets over it. If not, prepare yourself.

oliveindamiddle 0
ckyorelse 18

karma only works towards your next life

LoonyPheebs 0

That's what you believe, dude. To us, karma's just the return of something you did, with interest. Be it good or bad.

twixxone 4

Thats gonna be one akward dream job!